Star Fireworks Set Up Plymouth

Join our Professional Display Crews

Would you like to join the British Fireworks Champions of Champions Display Team?

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If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to get up close to a professional fireworks show, or if you live for the roar of the crowd, continue reading!  We get lots of emails asking how to become a member of our award winning display crew – and here’s how…

Plymouth Setup 7

We’re looking for some real firework enthusiasts to train up to professional standard. People who have a genuine interest in fireworks, rather than just people who want to just ‘try it out’ or are looking for ‘something different’. All are welcome to apply, it’s the interest in fireworks that really counts! You must be over compulsory school age to be considered (most people 16 years or older can apply).

Although our crews work right across the UK and overseas, our main hub is based in central Berkshire and our training is based locally – so living in the general area (and being able to get to our depot) would be a real benefit. However, we do have crews based all over from Scotland and Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Manchester, Birmingham and right down to the south coast, so living outside Berkshire might not be a problem.

We’re looking for crew members for the long term (people who won’t just do one year and then disappear, most of our crew members have been working for us for 5 years or more, some for 20 years or more!)  New firers will typically spend a few years learning their skills and getting experience as one of our crew members after which opportunities to take charge of Star Fireworks show leadership would be an option.

We also look for people with extra skills that would be useful in our displays. People who are good at DIY or woodwork, or maybe even metalwork, for example. Equally, if you have computer skills, or you’re a photographer or sound editor or can work with video or are an expert at first aid, these are all extra abilities that would make you a really good crew member.


We use fireworks that are only generally used by professional companies , so you can expect a lot of training when you begin, leading to good rates of pay. You can expect to undertake the British Pyrotechnists Association Firers Training as part of your overall learning package with Star Fireworks.

Of course, we don’t expect you to do this for free! Once fully trained you’ll be on a full rate of pay – we currently have one of highest rates of pay in the UK firework display business.


So you have an idea of what you are getting yourself into, we’ve put together  a typical day around the 5th November:
The day will usually start quite early, to make the trip down to the fireworks storage site, to meet up with the rest of the team and begin loading the display equipment and fireworks for the days event. Once the crew team leader is satisfied that the equipment and fireworks have been loaded properly and to the standard required, and all paperwork has been fully completed, you will make your way to the display site.


With a typically sized Guy Fawkes show, you will usually arrive at the firing site mid-morning to ensure you get setup on time. Each crew member will be assigned specific jobs depending on the nature of the display. The initial setup of equipment can usually take up a good chunk of the morning. Once the equipment has been setup and prepared for loading, the crew will then begin laying out and loading the fireworks which will be used in the display.


The team will aim to complete the display setup during daylight hours. Shortly before the start of the display, safety checks will be carried out again on the equipment and a safety meeting will be conducted by the team leader in charge, after which the display crew gets into their respective positions for the show. Guy Fawkes shows usually start in the early evening . The finale will fire, the crowd will roar, and you’ll already be looking forward to your next show! After the display a cool down period is observed whilst the display site is checked. When the site is safe the equipment is taken apart, and everything else packed up and put away. The crew will usually leave the firing site between 1 and 2 hours after the display has finished and return to the storage site to unload the equipment and spent fireworks.  A typical finishing time may be between 9pm and 11pm, although much depends on where you’re working and how big your show is.  Professional Firework Displays are a lot of hard work, and are not for everyone. You will either love it or hate it! If you think you’d enjoy our work, then we’d love to welcome you to the team.


If you are looking to make a living or would like a 9-5 job, this is not the place for you. 

It is best to see this as a hobby that you really enjoy and would do for free in most cases, and although we have good rates of pay, getting paid is seen as a bonus!  The main display season is from October until December with some work available throughout the year, this is not a full-time job!

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Training can take several years, although people with a real flair for fireworks can be fast-tracked through. Don’t worry, we won’t throw you in at the deep end… We start by training you some basic skills including personal safety and give you an introduction to our displays. As time goes by you will receive further training and learn new skills until eventually we put you through the British Pyrotechnists Association City & Guilds Firer’s Qualification.

Initial training in 2015 will take place on Saturday 17th October 2015, to be followed by a training fireworks display that evening. You must be able to attend that training session.

If you are interested in joining us, then please click on the link below and fill out our online application form. Good luck!

Closing Date: 22nd September 2015

Go to the online application form

Join the team at Star Fireworks